Attention Struggling Sales Professionals:

Is Your Fear of Public Speaking Costing You Customers, Respect, and Maybe Even Your Career?

"Discover the Breakthrough 2.5-Day System That Transforms 'Nervous Wrecks' into Confident, Persuasive Speakers... Without Changing Your Personality or Using Sleazy Tactics!"

Let me ask you something...

Have you ever stood in front of a room full of potential customers, your mind going blank, your palms sweating, watching as your sales pitch crashes and burns?

... And then had to face your disappointed boss, judgmental coworkers, or frustrated spouse afterward?

If you're nodding your head right now, you're not alone.

In fact, you're probably a lot like Sarah, a 37-year-old sales pro I worked with recently.

Sarah was great at her job... except for one thing: public speaking.

Every time she had to give a presentation, she felt like an impostor. She'd stay up late, creating endless PowerPoint slides, hoping they'd mask her insecurities.

But no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't connect with her audience or close sales after her talks.

Sound familiar?

If so, I've got some good news and some bad news...

The bad news?

If you don't fix this problem, it could cost you everything.

Your boss is already doubting whether you have what it takes...

Your coworkers are wondering how you haven't figured this out by now...

And your spouse? They're starting to question if this is even the right career for you.

But here's the good news...

It doesn't have to be this way.

In fact, in just 2.5 days, you could go from being the person who dreads public speaking... to the confident "speaking superstar" that everyone looks up to.


Through my revolutionary "Influencing from the Front" (IFF) seminar.

Now, I know what you're thinking...

"I've tried everything. Books, videos, expensive coaches... even improv classes! Nothing's worked. What makes this different?"

Well, let me tell you...

Most public speaking programs focus on the wrong things. They teach you how to stand, how to breathe, how to structure your talk...

But they miss the most crucial element: how to truly CONNECT with your audience and INSPIRE them to take action.

That's where "Influencing from the Front" is different.

In just 2.5 days, I'm going to show you:

  • How to feel supremely confident and at ease in front of ANY audience... even if you've always felt like a nervous wreck.

  • The secret to delivering highly engaging, persuasive talks that have people hanging on your every word... without having to change your personality or use manipulative tactics.

  • How to consistently convert a high percentage of your audience into paying customers... even if you've struggled with closing sales in the past.

  • And much, much more...

But don't just take my word for it. Here's what Dr. Chelsea Rainey had to say after attending the IFF seminar:

"Before attending IFF, I did talks. I was nervous and never felt confident. Now, I'm thrilled to get speaking engagements on the books. I know what I get to work on and can exponentially improve the outcome of speaking, whether on social media or in person."

Now, I know you might be skeptical. You might be thinking, "I'm just not a natural public speaker. It's not my strength."

But here's the truth...

Natural public speakers aren't born. They're MADE.

And in just 2.5 days, I can show you how to become one.

Imagine walking into your next sales presentation feeling supremely confident...

Imagine your boss saying, "I've never seen someone work a room and sell like that before. Incredible!"

Imagine your coworkers asking, "What's your secret? I'd pay to have just a fraction of your speaking skills."

Sounds amazing, doesn't it?

Well, that's exactly what "Influencing from the Front" can do for you.

Absolutely! Let's continue with the sales letter, maintaining Stefan Georgi's conversational style and focusing on the buyer profile:

But here's the catch...

This seminar isn't for everyone.

If you're looking for a magic bullet that'll turn you into Tony Robbins overnight... this isn't it.

If you want to learn manipulative tricks to pressure people into buying... you're in the wrong place.

And if you're not willing to step out of your comfort zone (just a little bit)... then this probably isn't for you.


If you're tired of feeling like an impostor every time you stand up to speak...

If you're frustrated with watching your sales numbers lag behind your more confident colleagues...

If you're ready to stop making excuses and start making an impact...

Then "Influencing from the Front" might just be the game-changer you've been looking for.

Here's what you'll discover in this intensive 2.5-day seminar:

  • The "Confidence Catalyst" technique that eliminates nervousness and makes you feel like the most important person in the room... even if you've always struggled with self-doubt.

  • The little-known "Rapport Hack" that instantly creates a deep connection with your audience... without having to change your personality or become someone you're not.

  • The "Conversion Closer" method that turns skeptical listeners into eager buyers... without using any sleazy sales tactics or high-pressure techniques.

  • The "Story Selling Secret" that captivates your audience and makes your message unforgettable... even if you think you don't have any good stories to tell.

  • The "Objection Obliterator" strategy that turns potential roadblocks into stepping stones... so you can close more sales with less resistance.

Now, I know what you might be thinking...

"This all sounds great, but I've tried other speaking programs before with no results."

I get it. You're skeptical. And you should be.

But let me ask you this...

Did those other programs give you a step-by-step system for success?

Did they provide expert instruction tailored specifically to experts, professionals and  sales professionals?

Did they offer a proven method for delivering dynamic, engaging, and converting speeches?

If not, then you're in for a treat.

Because that's exactly what "Influencing from the Front" does.

Need more convincing? Just listen to what Dr. Philip Cordova had to say:

"I was already giving talks to groups and felt pretty comfortable doing it, but the results weren't there. I was definitely 'speaking to inform' instead of 'speaking to transform' as Roberto would say. With Roberto's help, I now give regular talks to my community that actually result in new patients. The best part is that they aren't just coming in for pain. The way I am able to share chiropractic with my community now, the people that come in are seeking better health. Truly transformational."

And he's not alone. Dr. Jim Olszewski shared this after his first talk post-IFF:

"Did my first small talk since IFF for 9 people at our state department and closed 13 people! Some signed up their kids, others sent their supervisors to sign up because they know they needed care! ... And for the first time, I had a BLAST giving the talk!"

Now, I know you might be wondering...

"Can I really transform my speaking skills in just 2.5 days?"

The answer is a resounding YES.

Here's what Dr. Chelsea Rainey experienced:

"Before attending IFF, I did talks. I was nervous and never felt confident. Now, I'm thrilled to get speaking engagements on the books. I know what I get to work on and can exponentially improve the outcome of speaking, whether on social media or in person."

Imagine feeling that confident and excited about your next speaking engagement...

Imagine watching your sales numbers skyrocket as you effortlessly connect with and convert your audience...

Imagine your boss, coworkers, and even your spouse looking at you with newfound respect and admiration...

That's the power of "Influencing from the Front."

But here's the thing...

This isn't just about becoming a better public speaker.

It's about transforming your entire career... and your life.

Because when you can confidently influence and persuade others, doors start to open.

You become the go-to expert in your field.

You attract high-quality clients who are eager to work with you.

You earn the respect and admiration of your peers.

And most importantly, you finally start living up to your true potential.

So, if you're ready to leave behind the nervous, sweaty-palmed version of yourself...

If you're ready to stop making excuses and start making an impact...

If you're ready to become the confident, persuasive speaker you've always known you could be...

Then it's time to take action.

But remember, spots for this exclusive seminar are limited. We keep the class size small to ensure everyone gets personalized attention and maximum value.

So don't wait. Don't let another opportunity slip by because you were too nervous to speak up.

It's time to step into your power. It's time to influence from the front.

I can't wait to see you there.

To your success,

Roberto Monaco

About Roberto

Hi, my name is Roberto Monaco.

I'm a speaker coach and former #1 revenue producer for the Anthony Robbins Organization.

I've trained Tony Robbins' speakers and have more than 5,000 live talks and 12,000 hours of public speaking coaching under my belt.

I know how to help people overcome their fear of public speaking and increase their conversions through persuasive presentations.

Roberto Monaco

Professional Speaker Coach

I created more than 42 products on influence and public speaking and I'm the go-to guy for the who's who in the any industries.

And I’ll teach you how to ignite your personal power to change people's minds, health and lives through speaking, GUARANTEED.

I personally invite you to my 2 1/2 day seminar

Influencing From The Front (aka IFF)

This 2 ½-day seminar will help you learn how to structure and deliver presentations that will inspire people to take action and improve their lives. You'll leave feeling confident and prepared to deliver talks that convert strangers into paying customers.

If you're like most people, the thought of public speaking fills you with dread.

But what if you could overcome your fears, doubts, and uncertainties and learn to deliver powerful, impactful, and inspiring speeches .... that move people to action!?

Influencing From The Front (IFF) seminar can do this for you.

In just 2 1/2 days, you'll learn everything you need to know to become a master presenter.

You'll discover how to structure your talks for maximum impact, craft stories that capture your audience's attention and use the art of the close to seal the deal.

You'll also come away with a newfound confidence in your ability to speak in front of groups and in front of the camera.

Imagine being able to share your passion and purpose with the world in a way that inspires your audience to actually take action and improve their lives..

With the IFF, you can make that dream a reality. This event will give you all the tools you need to structure and deliver talks that will 'magically' make audience members take action.

When you attend the Influencing From The Front

program you will:

  • Transform the way you feel about yourself as a speaker.

  • Start seeing yourself as an authority in your field.

  • Transform your business and help more people than you ever thought possible.

  • Finally feel confident when speaking in public.

  • You will get excited to record videos and share them via social media

  • Develop a voice that is uniquely yours.

  • Be able to hold people's attention with your words, voice and body language

  • Look, sound, and feel like a confident speaker on stage.

  • Make your audience feel excited and motivated to become your customer

  • Deliver a world-class talks that generate new business and get referrals

  • Make a bigger impact in your community with your outside talks and videos

  • Learn how to tell powerful stories that will connect with your audience

  • Learn how to structure persuasive presentations

  • Get invited to speak at many organizations

What You Get with Influencing from the Front?

2 1/2 days of expert instruction

(Value: $1497)

Attendees of Influencing from the Front will get 2 ½ days of expert instruction from someone who actually speaks for a living and has been for more than 20 years.

Influencing from the Front provides attendees with a proven system for success. This system has been used by thousands of presenters to overcome their fear of public speaking and deliver persuasive presentations that convert with amazing consistency.

It's a step-by-step guide that will help you deliver dynamic, engaging, and converting speeches.

150-page reference manual

(Value: $497)

In addition to the 2 ½ days of instruction, you'll also receive a 150-page reference manual. This is your guide to success and includes all of the material covered in the seminar. You can use it as a reference when you're preparing future presentations.

2 1/2 Day Virtual IFF Recording

(Value: $497)

Recording of IFF virtually presented. During this training online presentations, webinars and marketing were covered.

Lifetime access to private Facebook Group

(Value: $497)

After graduating from our 2 1/2 day program, you will join the private group for our alumni where you can network and share your successes.

Interactive small groups

(Value: Priceless)

One of the best parts of Influencing from the Front is the opportunity to interact with other attendees in small groups. This is your chance to get feedback, ask questions, and practice your new skills. You'll also have the opportunity to network with other like-minded individuals.

Live presentation with feedback

(Value: Priceless)

One of the best ways to increase your conversions and overcome your fear of public speaking is to practice, and that's exactly what you'll do at Influencing from the Front.

You'll have the opportunity to give a live presentation and receive feedback. This is an invaluable experience that will help you hone your skills.

A complete education: delivery, storytelling, presentation structures

(Value: Priceless)

You'll receive a complete education at Influencing from the Front. You'll learn about delivery, storytelling, influence strategies, and different presentation structures. This information is essential if you want to be a master presenter.

Total Value: $2988

When: October 18th-20th, 2024

Where: 3377 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30326

Investment: $997 or 4 x $299

Friday: 8:30 am - 8:00 pm

Saturday: 8:30 - 5:30 pm

Sunday: 8:30 - 1:00 pm

110% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

After attending the program entirely (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), if you are not completely satisfied, we will refund your 100% of your tuition + 10%!

To the best of our knowledge, we are the only company in our industry to offer this because we know the transformational impact we will have in your speaking career and we stand behind our work.

We offer this with confidence because, in 13 years, we've never had one refund!

Listen, I have done the work for you. I’ve done the trial and errors and invested the time required to gain the expertise. I've put all that experience into The Influencing From The Front seminar.

This seminar will help you convert more, period. Join us at our event, and if you think it is not worth it, get your 110% refund, no questions asked.

Act today to Avoid Disappointment

Regret is one of the heaviest emotions someone can experience.

Don’t be in the same place 1 year from now.

Avoid the despair of looking back 1 year from today, having the same results knowing that if you had just invested 3 days out of a lifetime, your life and business would have been different (guaranteed).

We have been teaching this class for 13 (thirteen) years and one phrase that I have heard hundreds of times is “I wish I had learned this information years ago! I would be so much farther ahead with my business”.

I want to do everything in my power to make sure you do not miss out.

I realize that in life, we do not regret what we are, but we regret what we don’t become.

Wouldn’t you regret not becoming the best communicator you can possibly become?

Wouldn’t you regret not helping as many people as you could have?

Wouldn’t you regret not creating the financial income that you and your family deserve? You have the power to choose!

Listen, I have done the heavy lifting for you.

I’ve done the trial and errors and invested the time required to get the expertise and put all that experience into the Influencing from the Front seminar.

Roberto has changed my entire practice! I didn't realize how many people I was preventing myself from helping because I was already a "good speaker." There are key points and key attitudes a speaker MUST have to close the room and Roberto will point out all those blind spots. The month before he tuned up my presentation for our 10-week wellness program I started 3/8. Not terrible. The next month after he gave me his Brazilian tune up 9 people started (and there were only 6 in the room.) They literally went home and dragged their loved ones in! You don't know what you're missing till you've had Roberto train you. He's the BEST! Obrigado Roberto!

Hi Roberto my heart ❤️ loving amazing soul brother.

I truly want to thank you 🙏 so much from the bottom of my heart ❤️ for all you do for humanity 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 and your continuous support in improving the public speaking world 🌎 influencing from the front specially for this amazing profession Chiropractic.

Also your outstanding and out of the way help brother.

We crushed the stage and more than anything the audience.

My heart ❤️ is so big and grateful 🤗 that my chest can’t contain it. Tear 😢are coming thru my eyes because we are so fortunate to have you in our lives.

Thank you so much 😊 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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